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Dysmenorrhea May Conceal An Underlying Disorder

Dysmenorrhea refers to pain in the lower abdomen or part of the lumbar, before, after or during menstrual phase. The pain suffer by patients may be unbearable. Dysmenorrhea has been classified into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. The former, also called functional dysmenorrhea, usually refers to those without abnormality in the reproductive organs after gynecologic health examination. The latter refers to those with obvious changes in reproductive organs Dysmenorrhea is one of the manifestations of many gynecological diseases, it may conceal an underlying disorder or other diseases that are occurring, if not promptly diagnosed what is the actual cause and take immediate action with proper treatment. This may lead into serious problems.

Speaking of dysmenorrhea, aside from abdominal cramping pain during menstruation, before or after menstrual period, there are heaviness with discomfort, soreness at lower back, etc., sometimes pain can be radiated till the anus and with intense pain during urination. Pain will last for one to two days or even continue during the entire menstrual period. There are also patients in serious condition that will experience these symptoms even during non-menstrual period. So many burdens to bear! Some women still prefer to tolerate and endure with perseverance. Because they think dysmenorrhea is just a minor disease. Indeed, some women may gradually experience symptoms reduction with milder period pain especially after the first menstruation, after marriage or childbirth. But for those whose pain becomes more and more intense, prolong duration, timely treatment is the right choice.

Dysmenorrhea related conditions can be broadly divided into the following categories: 1. Menstrual lumbar pain may be due to the backward tilted uterus or cause by other diseases. 2. Fever during menstrual period with lower abdomen pain coupled with heaviness may be suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease. 3. Normally, the blood is dark red in color, if the blood color is light brown like tea color, or changes in smell with increase in body temperature and lower abdominal pain at the same time, may suffer from endometritis. 4. If dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain becomes more serious with longer duration, may suffer from endometriosis. These manifestations of dysmenorrhea if not treated in time, the consequences may be very serious. Every woman should be aware of the seriousness of dysmenorrhea. If the condition has transformed into malignant, even the operation is successful, still the chance of survival is rare.

In addition, some patients take healthcare products or "tips" on how to alleviate temporary pain, such as: drinking a cup of hot milk, add spoonful of honey every night before going to bed, consciously will alleviate or even eliminate the pain of dysmenorrhea. In fact this approach is not a main treatment method, but rather a helpful supplemental procedure, because these foods contain potassium and magnesium, can ease the mood, inhibition of pain, help the body relax, eliminate tension, and reduce stress. We, as professional practitioner still stress that these cannot be substituted, must attend the proper medical treatment.

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